I'm...still....baking....cookies. Argh. I think the last 2 cut out batches are cooling in the fridge right now - thank god. Now I just have to make all that different-colored icing and pipe them all and decorate them all and.....sigh.
So for dinner (had to be quick - the kitchen is still knee-deep in flour and cooling racks) I made this Brazilian chicken with oranges and olives - I added a chiffonade bunch of kale at the end of the cooking time to make it a little more veggie-ish, and threw the orange sections in as well. This was pretty good, actually - I'm not sure if it was my olives or the extra orange zest I put in, but there was a hint of a bitter undertone. (Or maybe it was the kale?)
I feel exceptionally boring today. I'm trying to read Dr. Gura's book but I'm so not school-y that I can't DO it (it's pretty intense historical stuff about the early radical Puritans - not exactly the type of thing I find most gripping, so that might have something to do with it too.)
I'm much more excited about Menand's The Metaphysical Club .
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